ISA arrests two Palestinian women suicide-terrorists

ISA arrests two Palestinian women suicide-terrorists

    Female terroirsts Fatima Younes Hassan Zaq, 39, and Rawda Ibrahim Younes Habib, 30

    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Office)

    In the wake of precise intelligence information, the Israel Security Agency (ISA), on 20 May 2007, at the Erez crossing, arrested two Palestinian women, who admitted to planning to perpetrate a double suicide bombing in crowded places (restaurants, events halls or any locality with a large concentration of soldiers) in Tel Aviv and Netanya. They further admitted that they were guided by Islamic Jihad, which exploited Israel's humanitarian policy - the two had received medical entry permits into Israel under false pretenses.

    Fatima Younes Hassan Zaq, 39, a resident of Gaza, mother of eight children and pregnant with her ninth, had been responsible for an Islamic Jihad Gaza women's labor office for four years. She had been in contact with Islamic Jihad terrorists and coordinated contacts on their behalf with women who had volunteered to be suicide bombers.

    Approximately three months ago, her niece, Rawda Ibrahim Younes Habib, 30, a resident of Gaza and mother of four children, sought her assistance in perpetrating a suicide attack. Zaq, who decided to participate in the attack as well, contacted her Islamic Jihad liaison, who aided the two women in putting their plan into operation.

    The two women attended several of their meetings with Islamic Jihad terrorists accompanied by several of their children. Zaq's 19-year-old son, also an Islamic Jihad terrorist, was present as the two women were photographed - holding copies of the Quran and weapons - before setting out.

    In order for Zaq and Habib to enter Israel, an Islamic Jihad terrorist obtained an authentic entry permit which indicated that Habib was due to undergo medical tests at a Ramallah hospital, with Zaq as her attending relative. The terrorist also instructed the two to go to the hospital and actually undergo the test in order to cover their story.

    The two women were then instructed to inform Islamic Jihad in Gaza. They were told that an operative would meet them in Ramallah, provide them with explosive belts, and accompany them into Israel. Before leaving Gaza, Zaq and Habib trained in operating explosive belts and in firing an AK-47. They were also instructed on what clothing to wear in order to allay suspicions.